Creation takes time. Time is limited.

More Minecraft awesomeness: NCC-1701A

More Minecraft awesomeness: NCC-1701A

I am continuing to understand what Paul Barnett was talking about when he sang Minecraft’s praises. Check thou this out, Dragons and Dragonettes: Okay, it isn’t quite as impressive as the NCC-1701D model or...

Crusader (both parts) for sale on eBay

Crusader (both parts) for sale on eBay

And this time, the seller isn’t asking for thousands of dollars! Actually, the asking price — $19.99 — is pretty reasonable; I’d be tempted to put in a bid myself, but for the fact...

ExtraLife: Play Games. Heal Kids.

ExtraLife: Play Games. Heal Kids.

One of the game devs I follow on Twitter, GameDevFTW, is participating in ExtraLife, a fundraising initiative for the Children’s Miracle Network in which gamers take pledges and raise funds to sponsor a 24-hour...

Free-to-Play: the way of the future for MMOs?

Free-to-Play: the way of the future for MMOs?

Last month, Turbine announced that their MMORPG, Lord of the Rings Online, was switching from a paid subscription payment model to a microtransaction-based free-to-play model instead. The result? According to Kate Paiz, LotRO’s executive...

Added: Ultima 6 Design Document

Added: Ultima 6 Design Document

Courtesy of Lost Dragon, Aiera is pleased to host for download this design document for Ultima 6. It is mostly focused on game mechanics, covering everything from monster stats to pathfinding, and as such...

New Gallery: Ultima 8 Source Graphics

New Gallery: Ultima 8 Source Graphics

Courtesy of Joe Garrity of the Origin Museum, and to the hard work of both him and the team at the Wing Commander CIC, Ultima Aiera is pleased to present two high-resolution images of...

New Gallery: Ultima 8 Animations

New Gallery: Ultima 8 Animations

Courtesy of Joe Garrity of the Origin Museum, and to the hard work of both him and the team at the Wing Commander CIC, Ultima Aiera is pleased to present 10 animated sequences of...

Raven Software lays off 40 staff

Raven Software lays off 40 staff

I know, I know…you Dragons and Dragonettes are probably wondering why it matters, to me and to Aiera, that Raven Software is falling on some hard times of late. After all, Raven has most...