Creation takes time. Time is limited.

Oh, one more, because I'm bored

Oh, one more, because I'm bored

One more taste of what I have planned for Monday: I would highly encourage the good reader to give JibJab’s Sendables a try…they make for excellent Christmastime humour. The Dragoness and I put together...

What went into making Epic Mickey?

What went into making Epic Mickey?

In case you were wondering, Joystiq has the answer in a new video, which they term a “trailer”. But really, can you call it a trailer when the game is already out? Anyhow, there’s...

And speaking of Richard Garriott…

And speaking of Richard Garriott…

Now this is just cool. David Ribeiro sent me an email a few days ago with a link to the listing of what are called The Richard Garriott Papers at the University of Texas...

Richard Garriott on 'The Moth' podcast

Richard Garriott on 'The Moth' podcast

New York-based non-profit organization The Moth is, according to their About page, “dedicated to the art and craft of storytelling. It was founded in 1997 by the novelist George Dawes Green, who wanted to...