Creation takes time. Time is limited.
An Ultima Fan Writes: Start New Game, or Journey Onward?
On Commodore 64s, Ultima, and other things.
Zero 1 Gaming’s Ultima Retrospective: Ultima 4
Paul Izod at Zero 1 Gaming has continued his retrospective look at the Ultima games, this time looking at Ultima 4.
Inspired by Ultima: Sosaria in Minecraft
Phillip Zibilich has created a massive map of what he calls Sosaria (Britannia, really) in Minecraft.
BioWare Mondays
The weekly round-up of news about BioWare, their various sub-studios, and the various RPG titles and series that they have produced or are working on.
Richard Garriott to Give Quo Vadis 2013 Keynote
Quo Vadis is a major European game development conference. Richard Garriott will be a keynote speaker there this year.
Shroud of the Avatar Reaches $1 Million
Shroud of the Avatar: Forsaken Virtues has reached its Kickstarter goal of $1 million! Stretch goals have been announced!
EA CEO John Riccitiello Resigns
Citing accountability for EA’s failure to meet financial targets, EA CEO John Riccitiello has tendered his resignation from the game publisher.
The Savage Empire Remake: Creative Writing
Scythifuge talks about the Savage Empire Remake and creative writing.
Tracy Hickman Popped By the Ultima Codex to Say Hello
Shroud of the Avatar Lead Story Designer Tracy Hickman stopped by our Shroud of the Avatar forums to say hello.