BioWare Mondays

You can apparently grab the soundtrack for Mass Effect 3: Citadel for free right now. Mass Effect 3 itself had a pretty great soundtrack, and the same people worked on Citadel’s music, so I’d suggest snapping that up. And if you don’t mind spoilers, Kotaku also has a round-up of some of Citadel’s funnier moments.

This replica pistol is also pretty awesome.

Oh, and if you got burned by the recent SimCity-related troubles, Mass Effect 3 is one of the games EA has offered to give you for free, in compensation.

Of course, BioWare Austin held a Star Wars: The Old Republic panel at SXSW recently, discussing the Rise of the Hutt Cartel expansion (among other things). They’ve also begun releasing “making of” videos about said expansion, and Massively has a feature up looking at the gear it will add to the game.

Some chances have also been made to SWTOR’s Cartel Market, and in advance of Rise of the Hutt Cartel’s release, BioWare have begun holding double-XP weekends. Which is actually to the great benefit of free-to-play players, who normally gain experience at a somewhat lower rate. Polygon has a schedule for when these weekends will be held.

Oh, and Greg Zeschuk, BioWare co-founder and now-ex-employee thereof, really likes beer. As in: a lot.