Somehow…”The Gate of Sosaria” Returned
“The Gate of Sosaria”, a long-dormant attempt to remake “Ultima 1”, is once again in development…this time as an RPG Maker VX project.
“The Gate of Sosaria”, a long-dormant attempt to remake “Ultima 1”, is once again in development…this time as an RPG Maker VX project.
Francois Poisson is re-creating “Ultima 3” as much as is possible within the RPG Maker MZ game engine.
The “Forgotten World” team has announced a new effort to develop additional patches for “Ultima 9”.
“Ultima Underworld 2” is not the easiest game, but this web-based utility can apply some cheats to help with that.
A small patch to correct several typos in the in-game text of “Ultima 2”.
Anthony Salter has released an update for “Ultima 7 Revisited” which sees the project rebuilt using Raylib.
Goldenflame Dragon has been playtesting “The Dark Unknown”, his homage to the early “Ultima” games.
A Unity-based port of “Ultima 4” to virtual reality for the Oculus Quest.
A small patch to correct misspellings of “Britain” and “Gweno” in the MS-DOS version of “Ultima 1”.
“The Ultima 6 Remake” is still being worked on, and will see an update in the near future.