The Dark Unknown: Town of Swainhill Complete
Goldenflame Dragon has finished work on one of the Act 1 towns in The Dark Unknown.
Goldenflame Dragon has finished work on one of the Act 1 towns in The Dark Unknown.
Goldenflame Dragon continues adding NPC schedules and other features to The Dark Unknown.
Goldenflame Dragon has kicked off 2019 by implementing NPC schedules in The Dark Unknown.
Sir John has released a finalized version of his German translation patch for Ultima 7: The Black Gate.
It’s been a while, but we’ve finally been treated to another Travel Britannia brochure!
Zedex Dragon’s tarot card deck, which he produced for U3.5: Pax Britannia. Much of the artwork was inspired by the major and minor arcana cards featured in Ultima Forever.
Slashing Dragon has released the source code for his Ultima 6-like game engine, and is working hard on readying the first Milestone release thereof.
Pix has been working on a Vectrex32 port of Akalabeth, which he has (of course) dubbed Vecalabeth.
Andrea Contato has released a sample chapter from “Through the Moongate”, his upcoming book about the history of Origin Systems and its founder.
After a lengthy dormancy, news has been posted to the Ultima 6 Remake website.