Byte-Sized Virtue S12E03 – Orders Validly Given
Let’s take a look at some of the questions posed by the Gypsy in the character creation sequences of various Ultima games.
Let’s take a look at some of the questions posed by the Gypsy in the character creation sequences of various Ultima games.
Let’s take a look at some of the questions posed by the Gypsy in the character creation sequences of various Ultima games.
Let’s take a look at some of the questions posed by the Gypsy in the character creation sequences of various Ultima games.
Winter, summer, hot, cold…everyone who is out in the elements will benefit from a drink of water.
In which we explore the idea of what a virtue is, and how we can better practice our virtues.
Maybe we need to get back into the practice of at least having one framing topic for each episode.
Or: how to win hearts and influence people. Really.
Learn what you need to do, and learn to do it well.
As the world waits out a viral pandemic, two of the Eight Virtues seem especially relevant to put into practice.
Should virtues ever actually contradict, or should growth in one virtue necessarily mean growth in others?
‘Tis the season…for another series (hopefully longer-lived) of musings on the Eight Virtues.