Spam Spam Spam Humbug 129.5 – The Book Betrayer

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This episode begins with Sir Klaus launching into a discussion about the incorporation of multi-player elements into single-player games, which leads into a digression about how Mass Effect: Andromeda was a great game despite a few glitches, and how it deserved to do better in the market than it did (to say nothing of how it deserved a sequel).

This leads to the question of whether multi-player should be baked into single-player titles, and whether doing so gives players a bad impression about what the focus of the game actually is? It is noted that this is often how developers monetize games now, selling like loot boxes and character skins. Some developers have taken a more segregated approach, however; Harmony Dragon points out that Assassin’s Creed 4’s multi-player evidently uses a different launcher than the single-player portion of the game.

The discussion moves on from there to topics such as Games as a Service (GaaS), games with no content, cancelled Kickstarter rewards (you know what we mean!), and Thanksgiving traditions. A topical buffet!

Full show notes at

4 Responses

  1. Frank says:

    I think we have well proven that mixing MMO and single-player features makes nobody happy. I would say mixing PvP and PvE is also a recipe for failure.

    • WtF Dragon says:

      Well, PvP and PvE coexist in a number of MMOs…though I suppose in the best examples we couldn’t say that they are mixed, if by that term we mean a setup in which one can inadvertently move from a PvE environment to a PvP environment as one goes about one’s normal business.

    • batterswingswing says:

      This may be true, but I don’t take the results of Shroud of the Avatar’s development as supporting evidence.

  2. Virtuebane says:

    These two podcast episodes were great guys, keep up the good conversation and entertainment!