The Dark Unknown: Sitting in Chairs, City Descriptions, and an Almanac Update

Goldenflame Dragon has posted a few new updates to the Facebook page for his long-in-development game, The Dark Unknown. The longest and most exciting of these came, funnily enough, on April 1st, but the update itself was no joke:

And as a bonus, we get a new screenshot out of this bit of news; we haven’t had one in a while.

In all seriousness, though, this is a really great development. On the one hand, it’s a small thing; characters now sit in chairs — are depicted to sit in chairs — when their sprite intersects a chair sprite. But on the other hand, it’s a delightful cosmetic touch that will add to the immersive quality of The Dark Unknown’s game world.

Moving on, Goldenflame is also contemplating adding more descriptive text for players to read when they first enter a city in the game:

And for those of you eagerly awaiting a physical copy of the game’s Almanac (read: manual), this will come as good news too:

More recently, an additional new sprite made its way into the game, adding another bit of depth to the world simulation:

It should be noted that this actually puts The Dark Unknown ahead of every single Ultima game when it comes to the depiction of double-occupant sleeping arrangements.

Oh, and the game’s introductory sequence also got a bit of a revamp:

And — lucky us — we got another screenshot out of that!

As always, you would do well to Like and follow The Dark Unknown on Facebook for all the latest and greatest news about its development.

1 Response

  1. Cambragol says:

    I like the level of detail being aimed for here. Ultima V hit a sweetspot between too little and too much elaboration of the game world. This is obviously right in that zone.