Elderlands: Open Beta Begins Next Week


The Elderlands website was update recently, with news of a forthcoming open beta of the tile-based, 2D MMORPG:

On October 22nd we will open our servers to the public. All are welcome to come in and play Elderlands. We are entering the first phase of Beta testing. There are a large number of features and content that will become available over the next few months during the Beta process. We hope to see all of the community and new faces in the game.

Two servers will be available… The “Land of War” and “Dawn of Creation”.

The Land of War – This is a player vs. player realm. Players start the game without the ability to fight other players. When they reach level 25 the ability to fight other players is enabled. This is a very dangerous world where there is no true safe place. Even in a town, if you are out of reach of the guards another player can slay you where you stand. When you are killed by another player or monster in this server all of your belongings that were in your backpack drop to your dead body. You also have the risk of an equipped item dropping into your body. Your dead body is protected from potential looters for two minutes while it slowly decays. After the body decays, if you have not recovered your belongings then others are free to loot them.

Dawn of Creation – This server provides safe Player vs Enviroment gameplay with opt-in PvP. Players can quest and explore the land freely where the only danger comes in the form of evil creatures that lurk in the forests, dungeons, graveyards and haunted mansions. Players do have the option at level 25 of switching into PvP mode.

Come and explore a vast world of action and adventure!!!!

The servers will go live the evening of the 22nd of October and the installer will be available for download at that time.

Well, that certainly explains the server selection screen that the team teased us with late last month.