New At The Codex: The Ultima 6 Transcript

In a post on the UDIC Facebook group, Jeffrey “Dungy” Hoeksma has announced that the Codex of Ultima Wisdom now features a complete transcript of Ultima 6. Which, in Dungy’s words, “took a LONG time.”

Congrats to Dungy and the rest of the Codex team on getting this transcription up; Ultima 6 does have a truly insane amount of dialogue text, and one can only imagine that organizing it all for display online must have been an at-times Sisyphean-seeming task.

4 Responses

  1. Iceblade says:

    Yeah, he’s been working pretty steadily on it for a while. Over three weeks of solid posting plus a few weeks of more sporadic posting.

    Just incredible.

  2. Dungy says:

    More exciting, Terilem created a swell new icon that graces every page of our wiki now. It’s purdy.

  3. Tribun Dragon says:

    I can imagine that both parts of Ultima VII will be REAL fun, not to speak about Underworld II with its very complex coversation trees.

  4. Iceblade says:

    Why am hearing yells of “not it” all of sudden…

    uh oh

    “NOT IT”