Richard Garriott: King of All Nerds has a just-shy-of-20-minute interview — set mostly in Britannia Manor, it seems — with Richard Garriott:

And King of Britannia!

Brief summary:

Richard traces the evolution of his fascination with creating virtual and non-virtual-but-seem-like-they-should-be-virtual worlds and shows us his homemade cauldron of magic spikes. We think he should be thankful he was born in the last century, because there’s no way that shit would have flown during the Inquisition.

Richard shows us the grounds of Britannia Manor, an elaborate house combining the teenage fantasies of like five separate breeds of boy. Seriously, you’ve got a full 360-degree rotating observatory for the astronomy nerd, a skeleton dungeon for the goth, a bunch of hidden passage ways and trick mirrors for the Clue enthusiast, and a working three-horse merry-go-round for the… um, equestrian I guess. Anyways, it’s huge and for years in the early 90s it played host to one of the most elaborate haunted houses in the history of Halloween.

Give it a watch, if you have a bit of time to spare!

4 Responses

  1. Sanctimonia says:

    I have the feeling I’ve seen this interview before, which leads me to believe that it was either the same interview edited differently or that he’s given the same one many, many times.

    The editing is pretty bad in that it sounds shortened, as though we are being cheated of many bits of dialogue. The editing also at times seems to be sarcastic, as though making fun of Garriott by cutting off the scene after he says something dramatic or unusual.

    At least when it began talking about his space odyssey it wasn’t as badly truncated. I want to see the film he made recently, but can’t find the torrent. What a shame. Man on a Mission, I think it was.

    • WtF Dragon says:

      Man on a Mission, yes…pretty sure that was the title.

      And yeah, it strikes me I’ve seen this interview — or one quite like it — before, as well. Might’ve even reported on it. Can’t recall.

  2. Sergorn says:

    It’s hard to tell with Richard Garriott, because for the last year or so he’s pretty much been saying the very same thing in every single interviews he’s been giving.

    The man is nothing if consistent :O

  3. micro magic says:

    I’ve had the same feeling. Which is why it’s difficult for me to read or watch these things anymore.