Good Old Games Resumes EA Releases

As most of you have probably noticed, our friends at Good Old Games have resumed releasing titles from the EA back catalogue. The have also posted a poll on Facebook asking people what titles they should think about releasing next. (System Shock 2 seems to be the current frontrunner.)

To start things off, this week they released Lands of Lore 1 & 2 and Populous 2. The folks at the Wing Commander CIC seem a bit stoked about what GOG has in store for us, so here’s officially hoping that there’s more from Origin on the way soon!

3 Responses

  1. Sergorn says:

    I loved the Lands of Lore games back in the day even 2&3 altough they were quite controversial. I remember stumbling upon LoL2 in a shop upon release being utterly excited “Its finally out!” altough I didnt complete it until after they had that 3Dfx patch done. I had a similar excitement for 3 – i remember going to buy it on release day even though I was sick….. 😛 A shame LOL4 never happened.

    Still… I’m puzzled they didnt include LOL3 in the package considering it basically had the same engine/gameplay as 2 it would have made sense really.

    In any case I hope they ll release the remaining Ultima games too soon!

  2. Dino says:

    Never played Lands of Lore myself, but I read somewhere that it is an Eye of the Beholder successor of sorts. I’m a big fan of the EoB trilogy, so if that’s true, I’m very much inclined to try Lands of Lore.

  3. Sergorn says:

    Well as a matter of fact, Lands of Lore began its life as Eye of the Beholder 3!

    Having already developped EoB1&2 for SSI, Westwood began some early work on EoB3 since they were meant to do it but there began to be some tension between SSI and Westwood after Eye of the Beholder so they ended up splitting and Westwood revamped all the work they had already done for Eye of the Beholder 3 into Lands of Lore, while SSI went and develop Assault on Myth Drannor.

    So yeah, it’s no exageration to say Lands of Lore 1 is a spiritual sequel to Eyes of the Beholder 🙂

    Lands of Lore 2&3 are rather different though.