Back to Roots: NPCs in Skara Brae
Fearyourself has made yet more great progress on his Ultima-inspired RPG engine, Back to Roots, and has implemented all of the NPCs in Skara Brae for his upcoming tech demo.
Fearyourself has made yet more great progress on his Ultima-inspired RPG engine, Back to Roots, and has implemented all of the NPCs in Skara Brae for his upcoming tech demo.
EA Labels president Frank Gibeau, in a recent interview, teased us all by letting slip that EA is looking at “a couple of old franchises” again.
The no longer anywhere near nightly open discussion thread at Ultima Aiera.
Richard Garriott gave a version of his “three eras of gaming” keynote talk at GDC Europe this week, and focused a lot on Ultima and Ultima online in its text.
Fearyourself, having reached a point where he feels his Ultima-inspired game engine, Back to Roots, is stable and mature enough, is looking for more people to join the project.
Fearyourself has added boat travel (and most other forms of “vehicular” travel) to his Ultima-inspired game engine, Back to Roots.
Thepal has posted what he describes as a “pretty” (and, to be fair, it is) screenshot of a scene in his Oblivion-based remake of Serpent Isle.
G4TV recently interviewed Chris Roberts, the man behind Wing Commander, and learned that he is anxious to return to game-making…and to the Wing Commander universe.
Well-known old-school gaming blogger The CRPG Addict has started playing through the Origin Systems classic, Ultima 5.
Three videos spotlighting a bunch of the features of 38 Studios’ upcoming RPG, Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning. It would seem to have a lot of RPG features, more than just an open world. And hey, it’s Tibby presenting the game in the videos; you should watch them just for that.