Ultima MineCraft Textures Updated

Andy Panthro sent me an email to let me know that he recently updated his Ultima-themed texture pack for MineCraft to version 1.9.3, which adds support for the almost-latest version (1.6.6) of the smash hit indie game. This revision is mostly just an update for the new version of Minecraft, although it also replaces all of the in-game images with Ultima images.

Andy even included a screenshot:

[singlepic id=1065 w=500 h=281 float=center]


The updated texture pack is now available for download via the project entry here at Aiera.

1 Response

  1. Andy_Panthro says:

    There are a couple of interesting pictures in there that use the runic font, but I won’t spoil that any further here! 🙂

    You may also notice the two on the right aren’t exactly copies from box art or whatever. Due to the rather small size limits, I had to recreate those images myself, and whilst I’m not overly happy with the moongate one the pagan one I do like.

    Remember folks – let me know if there are any problems, and I’ll fix them as soon as I can. I plan on keeping this going indefinitely, which is made all the easier by Ultima Aiera’s hosting. Perhaps in the future if there is proper support for larger texture sizes I may consider a hi-res pack also.