Titans of Ether February Update

Petrell pointed out to me, via email, that the Titans of Ether had posted their February update recently. As has been the case with their last few updates, the general tenor of the post is that things continue to progress.

Direhaggis is working on trimming the plot again, after over three years spent writing it. He concedes that some of the quest paths he had devised — which went through a dozen NPCs — are probably not practical for implementation in-game.

Spyder continues his work on 3D models, especially pertaining to smithing. Zini has been busy working on regression problems and worldbuilding. RedPotion continues his work on buildings in Vesper, and Lord Alamar is still drawing up inventory item icons.

Details, details…lots of little details. But it’s obvious that Redemption is getting closer to completion, which we can all look forward to.

3 Responses

  1. Sanctimonia says:

    Good news. This is a TES3 mod, yes?

    • WtF Dragon says:

      Yup. Morrowind all the way.

      Just noticed while hunting… Their page is out of date, sorta like mine. Maybe we should all use Aiera as our PR outlets?

      I certainly wouldn’t be averse to that, although I think the Titans prefer to handle such things themselves; as a team, they tend to have a fairly independent streak about them. Also, their forums — which they rely on a lot — tend to be a bit more up-to-date as far as development news and commentary go.

  2. Sanctimonia says:

    Just noticed while hunting… Their page is out of date, sorta like mine. Maybe we should all use Aiera as our PR outlets?