Sanctimonia Update: GAMBAS Issues

Kevin Fishburne doesn’t have any fresh and exciting news to offer us concerning his Ultima-inspired online game, Sanctimonia, this week. He has mostly been tied up dealing with issues he is having with certain functions and procedures in the third version of GAMBAS, the programming language he is using to craft the game.

Still, he is sticking to his goal of making regular updates about his project known, even when there is little in the way of news to tell, and I (for one) quite appreciate that.

2 Responses

  1. Sanctimonia says:

    I have some good news.

    1) Benoît Minisini, Laurent Carlier and Doriano Blengino (among others) have been extremely helpful in me attaining my goals for Sanctimonia. I’ve never really experienced this kind of cooperation and good will in anything I’ve endeavored to create.

    2) While ultimately the functions I was using for the networking code were NOT restored, I found a way to restore functionality with minimal impact to performance or program logic.

    3) Since getting the game back on its feet, I’ve also corrected some outstanding issues such as player, non-player and particle positioning with respect to player orientation.

    4) Persistent world objects and flora are coming soon.

    5) I’m putting together a sequel to my rotation video on my YouTube channel so show the improvements.

    I also have some bad news.

    1) The water is still improperly displayed.

    2) Particle physics need to be reworked to incorporate a vector with magnitude as well as orientation-sensitive gravity.

    3) I’m still working to get image-to-image blits performed in hardware via the SDL/OpenGL component of GAMBAS, which will SIGNIFICANTLY increase the frame rate.