Nightly Open Thread

I take it everyone survived the nuclear holocaust?

Yesterday, if The Sarah Connor Chronicles are to be believed, Skynet became self-aware and in the span of seconds decided that humanity was in need of some serious wiping out. To effect this purge, it commandeered the nuclear arsenals of the world and set about destroying every major population center. Today, its robot armies have begun sweeping across the world, exterminating what few survivors remain.

Or…something like that.

Robots got you down? 7-Eleven has the answer: a dual-chambered Slurpee cup.

Now, I’m one of those marginally talented individuals who actually knows how to half-decently pour two flavours into a Slurpee and get them to align somewhat vertically. That said, this Slurpee cup offers a perfect (or nearly so) vertical separation of the flavours, and the custom “Y” straw.

I’mma have to have one of these when I’m in Colorado post-Easter, just because.

Only in America, you say?

Burger King in Japan just rolled out a new burger — the Meat Monster — which consists of “two hamburgers, a chicken breast, two slices of cheese and three slices of bacon”…oh, and some token vegetables. What’s more, you can “personalize” your Meat Monster (a play on words?) by adding teriyaki sauce, an egg, or a fish patty.

Fully dressed, it clocks in at 1,160 calories and an untold (but probably obscene) amount of fat. Of course, this is hardly the first ridiculously over-the-top sandwich that Burger King Japan has introduced, though it’s the first one I will admit to being tempted to try.

On a somewhat related note: McDonald’s Japan has a few interesting menu items as well.

Regular Expression Denial of Service Attacks (ReDoS)

Freaky stuff.

This is also freaky, and so is this.

By default, and unbeknownst to all but the most attentive EULA readers, Apple’s iTunes software automagically backs up all the location data from your iPhone every time you run a sync. This information is stored in unencrypted form in a database on your computer’s hard drive (although it might be the case that the data will be encrypted if you select the relevant option in iTunes).

It would be…trivial to access that information from a third-party application, such as iPhoneTracker (link above).

Deep thought for today.

I’m not exactly an environmentalist, but I’m not exactly of a “burn, baby, burn” mindset where nature is concerned. I’m all for boosting fuel efficiency in cars and reducing automobile-generated pollution where possible. That said, I entirely agree with this:

“Consumers have made up their minds,” says Volker Kauder, chairman of the parliamentary group of the conservative Christian Democratic Union (CDU) and its Bavarian sister party, the Christian Social Union (CSU). “With people starving in many countries, wheat doesn’t belong in our gas tanks.”

Nor does corn, for that matter, nor any other foodstuff which is being used to generate ethanol for use in fuel for cars.

Tonight’s post brought to you by trollmom:

funny facebook fails - Trollmom


1 Response

  1. Sanctimonia says:

    Only In Japan always fits the bill, but separately:

    Those who haven’t heard, or perhaps dissed, the music from Ultima Exodus on the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES), should hear my recent LMMS and Kdenlive composition in my attempt to bring beauty to the masses:

    The default crappy resolution needs to be increased just to enjoy the proper sound quality, sadly. YouTube in in a state of flux, so hopefully that will change. Anyway, enjoy. More information about this song, and other from the soundtrack, may be found at: