New Gallery: Ultima 4 Town and City Maps

Courtesy of Dungy from the Codex of Ultima Wisdom, Ultima Aiera is pleased to present 17 images from the Ultima 4 cluebook, The Way of the Avatar.

As Dungy notes: “Since everyone is talking about Ultima IV these days, I thought I’d get around to scanning some of the images from my old copy of the Ultima IV Clue Book for the codex. As far as I’m aware, scans of this quality aren’t available anywhere else. Back in the day, Origin made some of the coolest cluebooks, and the quality of these city maps shows it.”

6 Responses

  1. Dominus says:

    I hate to be the spoilsport again, but what is it these days with copyright infringements? 🙂

  2. Scythifuge Dragon says:

    I love the cluebooks, and spent over a year on Ebay until I got them all, including extra copies of the 2nd edition of The Official Book of Ultima and the NES Exodus Hint Book. The quality of the cluebooks was as high as the games and game contents themselves, from the maps to the manuals. Origin truly created worlds and had a tendency to suck you in, which very few game companies can claim to be able to do.

  3. Sanctimonia says:

    Awesome images and very inspirational. I’m amazed at how “3D” they look.

  4. Dungy says:

    Dominus, I’m not sure how much you’re joking or not, but you do know that the exult sourceforge site hosts the sounds effects and music from Ultima VII, right? 😛

    Scythifuge, I just need a copy of the Martian Dreams cluebook, and my quest for all cluebooks will be complete. That sucker never appears in Ebay for a decent price, or at all.

  5. Dominus says:

    I’m not really joking just pointing this out, what you do with this is up to you. As with the U4 comic scanlation this is clear copy right infringement. It probably falls under the “fair use” term, though.

    The sound effects and music of u7 offered by Exult are a gray matter. Ultima 7 does not come with these files so we didn’t just rip them or copy them off the game. The music and sfx in U7 are just a bunch of commands for either the midi backend or the OPL chip of the of the PC it was played on. I wouldn’t want to go to court with this excuse, though.
    And either way pointing at others doesn’t make this better…

  6. Manuel says:

    Yesterday i got -from an eBay seller- my copy of Ultima 2 (from Sierra)… Im sooo happyyyy :o) And remember: the quest for Ultima related stuff is forever :oP