Dragon Age: Redemption Trailer & Interview
Felicia “Codex Dragon” Day was on the Jimmy Fallon Show last night, promoting her new web series, Dragon Age: Redemption. The trailer for the series aired at some point during the interview, and NBC has kindly posted it for online viewing:
LARP to the Nth level.
Fallon’s interview with Ms. Day is also online:
Consulting the Codex.
My apologies if one or both of these videos isn’t available to you, good Dragons and Dragonettes; NBC doesn’t seem to be region-locking their video embeds, since I can view them here in Canada. That doesn’t mean, of course, that the videos aren’t region-locked in…say…Europe.
If in fact the trailer, at least, is region-locked, you can find it on YouTube here. (Sadly, I can’t seem to locate a copy of the interview for alternate viewing.)
Works well here in Brazil.
Good to know! I’m thinking it’s probably open to most of the globe, though I see that plenty of folks are hitting up the YouTube link even so. Not that I blame ’em; the quality is higher there.
Works fine over here in Germany. Well, what an exeedingly likable person she is. Not what one expects of a nerdy roleplay-gamer 😉