Happy 2011, Dragons & Dragonettes!

Need I say more?

Feel free to discuss resolutions and suchlike in the comments. Here’s mine: learn a game engine, and build a small game. (Unity or Unreal, I’m thinking…I keep flip-flopping between the two.)

14 Responses

  1. Cear Dragon says:

    whats your resolution?
    mine is reach level 10 in ultima six by next year :

  2. Natreg says:

    Happy new year 🙂

    My resolution is finishing college finally (even though I think I will be there with at least one subject left for 2012).

    I would also like to learn some more game programming. I’m tired of the boring and useless programs I have to do for college (few are worth the effort…).

  3. Thepal says:

    Mine is to finish my Serpent Isle remake. And to make my own game. (yes, in the same year)

  4. Thepal says:

    Probably because I only announced it a day ago. There is a post in the forums

  5. Iceblade says:

    I’ve posted a new Awesome screen for you guys.

  6. Cear Dragon says:

    Kenneth Hynek:

    There is actually no limit on levels un Ultima VI Online. however it takes LOTS of experience. It may even be easier to level soon. We have a publish coming out thats definitely coming Aiera’s way.

  7. fearyourself says:

    Have the courage to continue my project and get U4 and U5 supported in the end! Potentially at some point in 2011, invite a couple of people to join in on the fun once the project is mature enough and I can let go 😉

    And of course, take care of my love all throughout the year 😉

  8. Browncoat Jayson says:

    To learn UDK (Unreal Development Kit) and make my own game. I’m thinking a space sim, or Ultima-esque isometric fantasy.

  9. Firstknight says:

    Mine is to finish the first release of Beautiful Britannia within the next 5 years. However, I have further ideas for the next 20 years…

  10. Firstknight: Wow, that’s…a pretty long development window. Are you padding your estimates, by any chance?

    I mean…20 years on, will Windows (or whatever comes afterward) still even be able to run games made for an operating system that will be — in that day and age — older than the average game developer? (Assuming, that is, that the average game dev age remains constant at 24 years.)

    I suppose virtualization will have improved by then, though, so maybe.

    Fearyourself: You’re making excellent progress; I’m sure you’ll hit that goal before year’s end. Indeed, were I a betting man, I’d put money on you hitting it before my eldest sister’s next birthday (July 1).

    Browncoat Jayson: Good luck to you, sir!

    Iceblade: I will post news of it! Thanks for the notice.