Putting their new team members to good use and hard work, the team at Forgotten World have announced a major development milestone. But I’ll let Iceblade explain its significance: I am right now, in...
Okay, maybe not in the strictest sense…and you sure as heck won’t be fighting any Kilrathi as you play through it. But even so, Black Market, a Flash-based game currently in beta, does feature...
After almost two years of no news (and infrequent snapshot updates), the Exult team have announced the release of Exult 1.4.9 RC1 for Windows and Mac, their latest build and the precursor to Exult...
Courtesy of Joe Garrity of the Origin Museum, and thanks to the hard work of both him and the team at the Wing Commander CIC, Ultima Aiera is pleased to present six screenshots from...
Well, it’s been a good couple of years since their penultimate news post, but on October 15th the Pentagram team dropped in a quick update to let us know that, since their need for...
So it turns out that I totally missed posting news about this back when the guys at Forgotten World put up a recruitment notice at the beginning of the month. Specifically, Iceblade wrote: I...
And by “good,” I mean “wow, someone put a lot of effort into this and made it look really professional!” Yes, yes, I know…it has nothing to do with Ultima per sé. That’s okay…it’s...
Apparently, Ultima Online received the first ever Hall of Fame award at GDC, the Game Developers Conference. To celebrate, Mythic (who are now in charge of UO) produced a celebratory little video: Now, granted,...
That’s right, Dragons and Dragonette’s; it’s October 20th! Three years ago today, the Dragoness and I stood on the altar at Holy Name Catholic Church in her home town of Vermilion, Alberta, said “I...
Donn dropped me a short email to let me know that his project to get Ultima 5 working on the Apple iPad is progressing nicely. Not only did he drop this snazzy new screenshot...
Before there was Eriadain or Ultima IX: Redemption, there was Moa Dragon’s attempt to implement the Bob White plot (or, at least, what was known of it back then) using two different versions of...