New Privateer-inspired Flash game

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Your ugly tin can...I mean spaceship.

Okay, maybe not in the strictest sense…and you sure as heck won’t be fighting any Kilrathi as you play through it. But even so, Black Market, a Flash-based game currently in beta, does feature many of the hallmarks of Origin’s spaceflight classic:

Descended from PC space-trading games such as ‘Elite,’ ‘Privateer,’ and ‘X,’ ‘Black Market (Beta)’ deftly combines economics and combat within a detailed sci-fi setting. Gameplay consists of commodities trading and ship-to-ship combat, as you travel from planet to planet, buying and selling goods. You can use your steadily increasing fortune to upgrade the ship’s arsenal; and the ever-improving weaponry (like missile power) allows players to take on ruthless space pirates fully-loaded. Battles with the pirates are fought using a simple point-and-click interface that, while not particularly complicated, keeps the game moving at a brisk pace. Superbly presented, the game wraps itself in fantastic graphics and a fleshed out backstory.

The game will evidently be a pay-to-play venture once it moves into full production, with individually-priced campaigns. Currently, while it is in its beta phase, a lifetime membership can be purchased for the price of the first campaign. Interested? Go thou and try it out!