Forgotten World: Valoria music and imminent release
Forgotten World
I am right now, in Valoria listening to the Valoria Positive Music theme…yes you read right. I have fixed the first Ultima IX bug since the release of patch 1.19. Being expecting a bare bones patch in the coming day or so that will fix the music bugs in Valoria and Minoc and possibly Skara Brae. And yes this bug fix will work with all your current savegames (just you might need to leave the area of the music for the trigger to reload).
So it would appear that the Forgotten World team have really managed to figure out a lot about how event triggers in Ultima 9 work, and how to correct the ones that never did fire correctly. Why…a few more discoveries like this, and Sergorn might be able to stop complaining about missing Wyrmguard conversations!
In all seriousness, though, this is pretty darn exciting. Ultima 9 is a good game, maybe even a great game, and with the 1.19f patch it is reasonably non-buggy. It has issues with modern processors and graphics hardware, of course (but then, no Ultima game installs well on modern hardware without some kind of support from either an emulator or a re-written engine), but it is still quite playable.
But it could be even better. And that’s what the Forgotten World team are working toward.
Pretty sure Cove/Minoc has (or had) the same issue regarding music. That’d be a nice fix!
Aye Cove/Minoc have the same issue with music – or rater they dont have music anymore once the Shrine if cleansed.
Minor and Valoria were the only two left – the other had been fixed by the official patches.
Incredible–Great work, Fogotten World!
Cool, especially awesome since I’m playing Ultima IX now.
Good news and bad news and an oxidizing agent to reduce the bad news (little Chemistry humor).
Good: I walked around the cleansed Valoria, Minoc and Skara Brae with hearing any negative music.
Bad: To fix Minoc I had to fix to music emitters and Skara Brae actually had I think 6 music emitters with 3 or 4 working correctly. The bad part is this means I likely missed some emitters in Valoria and Minoc and maybe Skara Brae. So it could potentially take me a while to find the others and still not get them all.
The agent: Unlike the way I found the emitters before, I know enough about the emitters to be able to methodically find them using another tool, which will be allow to quickly all of objects with the same object number…of course, this object type is used for more than emitting music…still I should be able to fix any errant music emitting triggers and have the patch ready sometime tomorrow.
Finished. The new triggers.flx is ready, but I need could use one more person to test it. You game for a quick test WTF Dragon or Origin Museum? (It would just be the Sacrifice and Valor quests)
There were issues in SkaRa Brae?
I always had the positive music upon restoration there.
It wasn’t consistent throughout the island. In fact several triggers had the error, but now all are fixed (I spent several hours making sure I got them all). Interestingly, Valoria has just one music trigger object. I guess cause the island was so circular, they just used one and gave it a large radius, which is probably why the Demon area near the shrine lacks Valoria music.
Interesting aside, Trinsic actually had 9 of these things, I think the devs even went back to patch this area cause the positive music wouldn’t turn on. That would be one hell of an area to fix.
Yep I remember until the latest patch the positive music never appeared in Trinsic.
I’m ready for testing–but I’m nowhere near Minoc or Skara Brae yet–just finished cleansing the first shrine–at the tunnel in Buc’s Den. 🙂
–Thanks, BTW to WtFD for helping me with the patching–I haven’t been in U9 in 5 years, and I was a bit stupid. 🙂
Ah, well I really need some fast feedback. Enjoy New Magincia, I hear it is quite peaceful this time of year.
I got savegames at all places in the game (I just need to reinstall the game) so if you want some quick test at some point in the game just tell me.
Thanks, but I got what I need for beta testing. Should see release of the patch very soon. (Unless the changes I made screwed up some other triggers….very small possibility of this).
Oh-kay, the patch is ready to go.
Monday’s news, then!
Cool, I installed the patch. I’m in Covetous now, so I should be seeing your work in action soon. Thanks!
I’ve tried it with one of my latest, and I can tell that the problematcic cities DO have have the proper music now 🙂