A quick note of thanks

Attention, reader Park Soon Keun!

You are really cool. Thank you so much.

Update: Reader Toltec Dragon, you are also really cool. Thank you kindly.

P.S. that’s a hard question you pose, Toltec…harder than any of the Virtue questions the gypsy has ever put forth. I mean, maybe if you lived in Canada, it wouldn’t be so hard…the beer here is often good, though some of the domestic brands give one pause.

But you live in Germany

7 Responses

  1. MIck - ToltecDragon says:

    Don’t let us die unillumined… news like this make me curious 😉

  2. wtf_dragon says:

    Humility suggests I keep as mum as I can on the matter. So let’s just say that the link in square brackets, about two inches above your icon there, relates to it.

  3. Mick - ToltecDragon says:

    Ahhh… got it. Haven’t seen the link in news overview. Well, kind of brings me (and all the thousands of other dear readers) in zugzwang – the virtue of sacrifice is in demand here 😉

  4. wtf_dragon says:

    I’ve tried to keep the link fairly surreptitious, to be honest (heh: how many Virtues can we squeeze into this comments thread?).

    Don’t get me wrong: I appreciate any support the community is willing to throw my way — hosting isn’t exactly cheap. At the same time, I don’t want to splash “HEY, DONATE!” all over the site face. I like to think that this way, it is left as more of an option (and in truth, it was only ever added because people started emailing me asking if there was a system in place to drop a few bucks into the kitty.)

    And then too, I wish I had more time to invest in getting the site back up to ship-shape condition for y’all. I don’t want to make my tip-mongering too bleedingly obvious when the site is operating at less than 100% capacity.

  5. Petrell says:

    Just giving you heads up. Richard Garriot apparently returns to gaming as Creative Director (as well as Co-Founder and Vice President of the company) of Portalarium, Inc. It’s a company that develops and publishes online social games, virtual worlds and related services and products.

    Company press release:
    Astronaut and Hall-of-Fame Game Designer,
    Richard Garriott, Returns to Gaming
    With New Social Media Company: Portalarium

    AUSTIN, Texas, Feb. 17, 2010 – After a two-year hiatus to travel to the International Space Station, work on a film documentary, ignite a personal rapid transit initiative, and wrap up post-flight experiments and speaking engagements, veteran game designer, Richard Garriott, is returning to the video game industry where he has been a fixture for more than 30 years – this time with a broad-based new social media company called Portalarium™. Garriott is best known for his award-winning Ultima Series (ORIGIN/Electronic Arts) of fantasy role playing games and Ultima Online, the first commercially successful massively multiplayer online game released in 1997 and still operating today.

    For more information visit the company site:

  6. wtf_dragon says:

    Thanks for the tip, Petrell. Sergorn and I were looking at this yesterday, but we weren’t really sure what to make of it.

  7. Petrell says:

    Well if it helps, I’m confused as well. Four long time gaming industry veterans (you did check the about – management page?) making small casual games for web, social networks (like the Sweet @$! Poker for facebook) and phones. Then again this seem to be the latest trend (like EA making that Lords of *Beep*. *shudder*) in the gaming industry.