xu4: iPhone video and tileset questions
Darren, from the xu4 project, wrote with two ends in mind this evening. First, he wanted to draw my attention — and, by extension, the attention of all you Dragons and Dragonettes — to...
Darren, from the xu4 project, wrote with two ends in mind this evening. First, he wanted to draw my attention — and, by extension, the attention of all you Dragons and Dragonettes — to...
In which a long-standing challenge is responded to: What you are seeing, Dragons and Dragonettes, is actually an offshoot of the xu4 project, which implements the underlying game model from Ultima 4 in iOS....
Andrew Taylor’s SDL-based re-creation of Ultima 4 was intended to be a cross-platform version of the game, much as Exult is for Ultima 7. The project fell dormant after 2008, but has since been...
Well, it’s been a little while since I posted an update pertaining to Ultima projects, and I see that Petrell and Dino over at Dino’s Ultima Page have uncovered several juicy morsels of news....
There have been a few minor updates made around the remake community in the past week or so. Ultima III for Mac I must have not noticed this before, but LairWare have a forum...