Tagged: Wing Commander

Ultima Underworld for Sega Genesis?

Ultima Underworld for Sega Genesis?

A recently-unearthed video from the 1992 Consumer Electronics Show in Chicago reveals that a Sega Genesis-based port of Ultima Underworld was in the works for the Sega CD. Alas, it never saw the light of day.

New Gallery: Origin Museum Artifacts

New Gallery: Origin Museum Artifacts

Ultima Aiera is pleased to present over 100 photos of some of the more rare and fascinating items that the Origin Museum has collected, representing a wide swath of the history of the company and its products.

Ultima Online 2 Creature & Character Models

Ultima Online 2 Creature & Character Models

BanditLOAF from the Wing Commander CIC just brought to my attention the online portfolio of Art Wong, a digital artist in the employ of Electronic Arts. He seems to do a lot of 3D...

Would an Ultima IRC channel be of use to you?

Would an Ultima IRC channel be of use to you?

It has been suggested that an IRC channel, similar to the Wing Commander CIC’s #Wingnut chat, be set up at Aiera. It’s not really a bad idea…with the addition of the Codex to the...