Tagged: Wing Commander

New Privateer-inspired Flash game

New Privateer-inspired Flash game

Okay, maybe not in the strictest sense…and you sure as heck won’t be fighting any Kilrathi as you play through it. But even so, Black Market, a Flash-based game currently in beta, does feature...

Bill Armintrout on the original Serpent Isle

Bill Armintrout on the original Serpent Isle

Sergorn Dragon wasn’t just continuing his adventure in Serpent Isle last week; he was also digging up more information about the original design of the game, above and beyond the recently-released design documents. As...

Wing Commander 2 being tested for re-release?

Wing Commander 2 being tested for re-release?

It seems like BioWare Mythic are pressing ahead with their project to get DOSboxed versions of the old Origin games — or, at least, the Wing Commander and Ultima series — re-released via digital...

Richard Garriott and Chris Roberts on Twitter!

Richard Garriott and Chris Roberts on Twitter!

From WCNews, via a reader email: the creators of, respectively, Ultima and Wing Commander, Richard Garriott and Chris Roberts, are now on Twitter! Roberts hasn’t posted much, but Garriott is getting into the swing...