Nazghul/Haxima 0.7.0 Released
I just got word from Tim Carlsen: version 0.7.0 of the Ultima-inspired adventure game engine, Nazghul, has been released. Do check the project website for details and downloads for Windows and Linux. Haxima, the...
I just got word from Tim Carlsen: version 0.7.0 of the Ultima-inspired adventure game engine, Nazghul, has been released. Do check the project website for details and downloads for Windows and Linux. Haxima, the...
This open-source 3D client for Ultima Online has been updated to version 2520, for both Windows and Linux. Updated installer files can be downloaded from the project website, or via the project entry here.
Pentagram, the remake that does for Ultima 8 what Exult did for Ultima 7, has posted news of their development progress for the first time since last December. The team, it seems, has been...
I see that Dino’s Ultima Page has posted some news concerning a couple of new file releases from different projects. Notably, Ranman’s Ultima V for TI Calculators has released a beta version of that...
I apologize for the gap in news updating; both my job and my home life have been rather busy these last few weeks, and I’ve had precious little time to stroll through “the Ultimasphere”...
Well, it’s been a little while since I posted an update pertaining to Ultima projects, and I see that Petrell and Dino over at Dino’s Ultima Page have uncovered several juicy morsels of news....
It’s been another good week for news — things are busy. It seems to be a busy time in general, actually…even I’m embroiled in a project — redesigning the website of the company that...
Okay, it’s been a while since the last update, and I trust that those Readers who are likewise recently married, or who were once recently married, can understand the heady intensity of the first...
Okay, so at least a few people contacted me while I was away with news of Ultima-related news, either via the contact form, direct email, or the comments for this post. Once again, it’s...
There have been a few updates in the Ultima community in the last week or so, including a couple I missed when I was doing my first look-through of Ultima links after I got...
There were quite a few updates that I noticed in my last not-quite-daily stroll through the remake community. Ultima IX: Redemption There’s not exactly a new update at the Redemption website, but Direhaggis did...