Tagged: Warren Spector

Wing Commander 1 & 2 Introduction Sequences

Wing Commander 1 & 2 Introduction Sequences

To celebrate the release of Wing Commander 1 & 2 on Good Old Games today, Ultima Aiera is pleased to present the introductory videos from Wing Commander 1, Wing Commander 2, and the addons to the latter.

Deus Ex: Human Revolution Launches Today

Deus Ex: Human Revolution Launches Today

The third installment in the Deus Ex series — and a prequel to the original Warren Spector game — was launched today to glowing reviews which herald it as a return to everything that made the first game great.

The Lost History of System Shock

The Lost History of System Shock

G4TV presents a restrospective look at the storied history of System Shock and the many and varied issues that have long prevented the creation of a sequel or the release of the series on sites like Good Old Games.

Restored: The System Shock Hack Project

Restored: The System Shock Hack Project

I kind of skipped over this project, another of the entries currently residing in the Orphanage. It’s kind of funny, to me, that I’d restore its files to working order just after the release...

Epic Mickey arrives tomorrow

Epic Mickey arrives tomorrow

And remember: the first annual Aiera Thanksgiveaway is still on! Warren Spector’s new game, the Nintento Wii-exclusive Epic Mickey, is out this week, and there is a predictably huge amount of buzz surrounding the...