Zeph’s Ultima Textures for Minecraft Updated
Zeph has updated his Ultima-themed texture pack for Minecraft, making it compatible with the latest version of the game.
Zeph has updated his Ultima-themed texture pack for Minecraft, making it compatible with the latest version of the game.
Blogger Bertass attempts to answer a most important question with a playoff-style tournament.
1UP.com’s Essential 100 list ranks Ultima 4 as the 31st most important game of all time. It’s…not as bad as it sounds.
A few Ultima games merit mention on IGN’s list of the top 100 RPGs of all time. None of them crack the top ten, though.
A promotional video produced by Origin Systems to advertise Ultima 9, showcasing each Ultima title in turn.
Goldenflame Dragon is looking for input and feedback on his designs for a spellcasting UI in The Dark Unknown.
EUO, the tile-based, Ultima-inspired MMORPG, has added the ability for players to become vampires!
Origin Systems was famed for the beautiful cover art of many of its game releases. The Ultima Codex is thus pleased to present a selection of high quality scans from some of these titles.
A short video in which Richard Garriott explains the Eight Virtues.
The Ultima fan developer portal, the Digital Lycaeum, has been migrated to the Ultima Codex…and already has some new content posted!