Tagged: Ultima

Morality systems in games

Morality systems in games

I was just reading about the new Going Rogue expansion for City of Heroes, the principal new feature of which is that “[f]or the first time in the game, heroes and villains will be...

Lord of Ultima Forum

Lord of Ultima Forum

Granted, Lord of Ultima is way outside the canon of the Ultima series, and its game world doesn’t seem to have all that much to do with the Britannia that Ultima fans know and...

Testing weekend arrives early!

Testing weekend arrives early!

Oh, what the heck, eh? Apropos of what I said before, I’ve decided to bump up the testing weekend a bit, and have made a couple of changes to the plan since yesterday afternoon....

Richard Garriott wins legal fight with NCsoft

Richard Garriott wins legal fight with NCsoft

From Gameinformer: An Austin, Texas, court has awarded Ultima creator Richard Garriott $28 million over what it determined was his forced departure from NCsoft in 2008. At the time of his departure, a letter...

Richard Garriott Ultima 6 Interviews

Richard Garriott Ultima 6 Interviews

Forum user Saxon1974 alerted me to the existence of the two MP3s linked from this forum thread, which feature an interview that Ultima creator Richard Garriott gave during the production of my personal favourite...

Happy Birthday, Dino!

Happy Birthday, Dino!

Or, at least, “Happy Birthday Dino’s Ultima Page!” The signal best site for Ultima-related news and information has seen several changes and moves over the years, but has never ceased to be a valuable...

New Ultima Blog: Ultima Adventures

New Ultima Blog: Ultima Adventures

As if running the best French-language Ultima site and managing the ambitious Return to the Serpent Isle project wasn’t enough, Sergorn Dragon has taken it upon himself to take a cue from Ophidian Dragon...

Changing directions, a bit

Changing directions, a bit

First, let me just remark that all the Online Remakes are once again available for download, and in fact have been so available since last Friday. The reason for the delay was the fact...

On Twitter, by any chance?

On Twitter, by any chance?

If so, you should follow you some Ultima Tweeters. Like Aiera, for example. And also Team Return. If you know of any other Ultima fans who tweet, or Ultima-related Twitter feeds, drop ’em in...