Forgotten World News
Iceblade has posted some news about the Forgotten World project, after a few months of running silent.
Iceblade has posted some news about the Forgotten World project, after a few months of running silent.
Fenyx4, from the Codex of Ultima Wisdom, has prepared a list of AutoHotKey macros that will make it easier to handle some of the more complex tasks in Ultima 4.
Zeph’s Ultima-themed texture pack for MineCraft has also been updated.
Firstknight sends news of the latest awesome screenshots from the Beautiful Britannia project, which involve improvements to Lord British’s castle and foliage textures.
Courtesy of Bill Randolph and Joe Garrity, Ultima Aiera is pleased to present twenty six (26) pages from a plot sumamry document which gives details about Ed Del Castillo’s version of the Ultima 9 story and gameplay.
Another fine rendition of the classic Ultima tune, ‘Stones’, from a group billing themselves as the Descendants of Edrick.
Andy Panthro’s Ultima-themed texture pack for MineCraft has been updated.
Markee Dragon has posted the next part of his interview with Richard “Lord British” Garriott. Rather than discuss Portalarium or EA, however, the two discuss Garriott’s plans for life and family in light of his upcoming marriage.
Fearyourself/JC, the talented programmer behind the Back to Roots engine project, recently got married! Oh, and he’ll be resuming work on the project pretty soon.