New Download: Ultima 3 EGA Tileset
Thanks to Dungy of the Codex of Ultima Wisdom, Ultima Aiera now hosts a custom EGA graphics upgrade for Ultima 3 for download.
Thanks to Dungy of the Codex of Ultima Wisdom, Ultima Aiera now hosts a custom EGA graphics upgrade for Ultima 3 for download.
Thanks to Dungy of the Codex of Ultima Wisdom, Ultima Aiera now hosts the EGA graphics patch for Ultima 4 for download.
Firstknight has released a small hotfix for Beautiful Britannia’s most recent release, which should serve to remove annoying screen shaking when using the patch.
Fearyourself has been busy experimenting with the use of LUA scripting to handle certain in-game events.
Kevin Fishburne has made numerous advances in the development of his Ultima-inspired online game, Sanctimonia, over the past few weeks.
The Titans of Ether have released a handful of screenshots of their rendition of the Spiritwood, the forest that is home to the Rangers of Britannia.
Sergorn Dragon offers several observations on the recently-revealed Bob White Plot, noting many interesting points which can be drawn out of the document.
Ultima Aiera is pleased to present fifty three (53) pages from the most recent revision of the legendary Bob White Plot.
A G4TV interview with the good folks behind Good Old Games reveals that more Ultima titles are coming to the site over the summer.
A DOS extender that can be used to patch the PC DOS executable for Akalabeth, rendering it functional under DOSBox.