Beautiful Britannia Comparison Screenshots
Firstknight has posted several new comparison screenshots to demonstrate the texture updates present in Beautiful Britannia 2011 R3.
Firstknight has posted several new comparison screenshots to demonstrate the texture updates present in Beautiful Britannia 2011 R3.
As of 4:17 PM (MST) today, Ultima Aiera has logged over a million hits since the beginning of its website traffic statistics tracking (in 2008). That’s a pretty major milestone for the site, and a testament to the long-term staying power of Ultima.
Blair “Flashy Dragon” Leggett has published a blog post which describes his take on the events and circumstances surrounding the shutdown of his Flash-based Ultima 4 remake last year.
NASA has evidently relented, to some extent, and will at some point green-light the release of Richard Garriott’s “Apogee of Fear”, the first sci-fi movie ever shot in space.
Pix has updated his Windows-based Ultima Patcher utility to apply the latest Ultima 3 graphics updates from the Exodus Project.
Former Ultima Online lead designer Raph Koster has published an interesting blog post arguing that narrative in games is not a game mechanic, but is instead a form of game feedback. interviewed Ultima Online’s associate producer, Bonnie Armstrong, last week, talking about the game’s success, its recent updates, and where the game will go in the future.
Kingspud has just about finished his series of tutorials which step through the code for the original, Applesoft BASIC version of Ultima 1.
Fearyourself has made some good progress on his Ultima-inspired game engine, Back to Roots, over the last week and a bit. Exiting dungeons is now supported, and he has begun working with in-game triggers.
Jason “Xarton Dragon” Penney has updated his PDAR-based Portable Ultima patcher to apply the latest Ultima 3 graphics updates from the Exodus Project.