Abysmal: Not Dead After All?
Abysmal, which first appeared back in 2009, was intended as a new engine for Ultima Underworld that would work on multiple operating systems. It would appear that work has recently resumed on it!
Abysmal, which first appeared back in 2009, was intended as a new engine for Ultima Underworld that would work on multiple operating systems. It would appear that work has recently resumed on it!
Legend of Grimrock, from Almost Human, is a dungeon-crawling RPG inspired (in part) by Ultima Underworld. And you can pre-order it now for 20% off what the list price will be!
The Ultima Codex is pleased to present a tribute to Ultima Underworld, on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of its North American release.
The games comprising the Ultima series were, between 1981 and 1999, the defining computer role-playing games. Both the Western and Eastern RPG “schools”, if that is an appropriate term for them, were heavily inspired by the Ultima games, and still feature numerous gameplay and interface conventions that one Ultima or another introduced.
Sergorn Dragon posed an interesting question on Twitter last night, which I am now repeating here for further commentary by the Ultima fan community.
MIT’s GAMBIT Game Labs is featuring a series of podcasts with former key people from Looking Glass Studios.
Bandit LOAF from the Wing Commander CIC is wondering if the Japanese-language PlayStation release of Ultima Underworld could be modded with an English-language translation.
A technology report/industry brochure from Origin Systems, profiling the company’s corporate culture and spotlighting several of its new and upcoming games (such as Ultima 7 and Wing Commander 2).
Feed the Gamer looks at Looking Glass Studios’ short but storied history.
G4TV presents a restrospective look at the storied history of System Shock and the many and varied issues that have long prevented the creation of a sequel or the release of the series on sites like Good Old Games.
A custom DOSBox build which incorporates the MUNT Roland MT-32 emulation patch has been released.