“Ultima Online” Marks a Quarter Century (Updated)
“Ultima Online” was officially launched 25 years ago today.
“Ultima Online” was officially launched 25 years ago today.
In a multiplayer game, it is inevitable that some players will abuse or take advantage of others. Which of these behaviours, if any, should developers allow to take place, and which should they work to prevent?
Watch He-Man (or someone quite like him) stumble his way through invading Sosaria!
Richard Garriott is collaborating with Ion Storm co-founder Todd Porter on a blockchain-based MMORPG.
Gorgan & Team are remaking the world of Sosaria, from “Ultima Online”, in a “Legends of Aria” community server.
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A rebroadcast of the Ultima Codex’s interview with former Origin Systems developer (and “Ultima 8” project director) Mike McShaffry.
A look back at “Ultima Online”, and the ways in which the community of players has contributed to its longevity.
After a decade’s delay, the pitch video for the final game proposed to EA by Origin Systems is again available to watch.
The latest “Ultima Online” newsletter adds elements from “Forge of Virtue” to the game’s lore, and teases an upcoming in-game event.