Three Days Left: Back “Ma Vie en Rouge” on Kickstarter
Sorceress Dragon’s Kickstarter campaign to raise funds for her new roguelike game is drawing to a close. Back it today (if you haven’t already)!
Sorceress Dragon’s Kickstarter campaign to raise funds for her new roguelike game is drawing to a close. Back it today (if you haven’t already)!
Three decades and a year ago, the Ultima Dragons were founded on Prodigy.
Rustic Dragon – and the Hearth of Britannia – have officially parted ways with the “Ultima” fandom.
A rebroadcast of the Ultima Codex’s interview with former Origin Systems developer (and “Ultima 8” project director) Mike McShaffry.
Another countdown widget graces the header of the Ultima Codex, as another Ultima Dragon awaits his long-overdue “Shroud of the Avatar” box.
Houston Dragon has relaunched an old “Ultima Online” freeshard, once – and perhaps soon again – a regular online haunt of the Ultima Dragons.
The last numbered, single-player entry in the Ultima series enters its second decade, and yet is still unrivaled in some ways.
Somebody needs to learn how to cut up audio clips.
A set of stylized Ultima Dragons logos created by Dark Wraith Dragon, released for free under the CC BY-SA 4.0 license.