Tagged: Ultima 8

Pentagram updated

Pentagram updated

I just happened to notice that the Windows binary snapshot for Pentagram had been updated recently. I have added the new version to the project entry here.

Ultima 8: Pagan – The Movie

Ultima 8: Pagan – The Movie

Okay, not quite. Kobra Kai Dragon found this on YouTube yesterday and posted a link thereto in the forum. It’s kind of a technical demonstration which appears to be for a class someone is...

Some neat bits of Ultima history

Some neat bits of Ultima history

This is cool. Joe Garrity of the Origin Museum alerted me to the existence of GMZ, a gaming blog that aggregates news about games (“mostly indie retro rock ‘n roll type”) with “interesting design...

Restored: Ultima 8 Remake (Pagan)

Restored: Ultima 8 Remake (Pagan)

This project, which used the Neverwinter Nights engine as its base, was yet another project that was abandoned prior to completion. Being that it was made with NWN, however, anyone with an measure of...

Pentagram updated!

Pentagram updated!

Well, it’s been a good couple of years since their penultimate news post, but on October 15th the Pentagram team dropped in a quick update to let us know that, since their need for...

Sergorn Dragon vs. Ultima 9

Sergorn Dragon vs. Ultima 9

That’s right…my “boss” on the Ultima Return project has reached the last title in his playthrough of the Ultima games: Ultima 9: Ascension. And not without a few attempts to stoke more discussion about...

Crusader (both parts) for sale on eBay

Crusader (both parts) for sale on eBay

And this time, the seller isn’t asking for thousands of dollars! Actually, the asking price — $19.99 — is pretty reasonable; I’d be tempted to put in a bid myself, but for the fact...

New Gallery: Ultima 8 Animations

New Gallery: Ultima 8 Animations

Courtesy of Joe Garrity of the Origin Museum, and to the hard work of both him and the team at the Wing Commander CIC, Ultima Aiera is pleased to present 10 animated sequences of...