Tagged: Ultima 7

The Ultima 6 Mod for Exult Lives…And Needs Your Help!

The Ultima 6 Mod for Exult Lives…And Needs Your Help!

The Ultima 6 Mod for Exult — now known as the Ultima 6 Remake for Exult, it seems — has moved away from its MySpace-based website, has posted updates of its progress, and needs help from GIMP artists and usecoders.

New Gallery: Ultima 7 Technical Documents

New Gallery: Ultima 7 Technical Documents

Courtesy of Bill Randolph and Joe Garrity of the Origin Muesum, Ultima Aiera is pleased to present a series of design documents for Ultima 7, covering areas such as conversation syntax, function design, and Origin’s in-house map editor.

Pentagram and xu4 Snapshots Updated

Pentagram and xu4 Snapshots Updated

I have updated Ultima Aiera’s copies of the snapshot downloads for Pentagram and xu4, both because they were out of date anyway and because of the recent SDL fixes for the OS X versions.

Exult Ported To Haiku

Exult Ported To Haiku

The latest version of Exult (1.49) has been proted to Haiku, an open-source operating system inspired by BeOS.

Exult On An iPad!

Exult On An iPad!

Lanica, who crafted the PocketPC port of Exult many years ago, has shifted his attention to iOS development, and has begun working on an Exult port for that platform.