A Year in Ultima Fan Projects: 2013 in Review
In which we look at the various Ultima fan projects that have been active, even if only briefly, in 2013, and note the progress that these have made.
In which we look at the various Ultima fan projects that have been active, even if only briefly, in 2013, and note the progress that these have made.
Tribun Dragon has put together a new Compendium for the Ultima 6 Project, which wonderfully emulates the style of the original. As well, a German translation of U6P is evidently in the works.
There are a couple of Ultima-related sales on eBay that fans of the series may wish to avail themselves of.
Paul Izod has continued his retrospective look at the Ultima series at Zero 1 Gaming. This time around, he looks at Ultima Underworld!
The latest update to the Ultima 6 Online client restores the long-missing “safe spot” functionality, tables where players can drop off unwanted items for newer players.
Extra Life kicks off tomorrow, and goes for a full 25 hours thanks to the time change. I won’t be playing that straight through, but I will be getting in some Ultima 7 over the weekend, and into next week. There’s still time to donate!
The Real Texas, a somewhat Ultima-inspired RPG, has been Greenlit (Greenlighted?) on Steam.
Withstand the Fury Dragon will begin his Extra Life game playing a bit early, and he’ll be streaming his playthroughs of Ultima 6 and Ultima 7 live via Google+ Hangouts.
The Ultima 6 Online development blog has been updated with a request for donations, the proceeds from which will go toward keeping the U6O website online.
The Ultima 6 Remake team have published a short update to let us know the status of the project, show off some new NPC sprites, and request a bit of help.
Malignant Manor left a post at the RPG Codex over the weekend outlining what progress has been made on Nuvie, the cross-platform Ultima 6 engine, since its version 0.4 release a while back.