New Download: Ultima 3 EGA Tileset
Thanks to Dungy of the Codex of Ultima Wisdom, Ultima Aiera now hosts a custom EGA graphics upgrade for Ultima 3 for download.
Thanks to Dungy of the Codex of Ultima Wisdom, Ultima Aiera now hosts a custom EGA graphics upgrade for Ultima 3 for download.
A long-overdue guide to patching and getting the various Ultima games running.
Magelore: Avatars of Alturia, an iOS game still under development, touts itself as being inspired by Ultima.
Apple-focused developer LairWare have released an updated version of their OS X port of Ultima 3, which adds better localization options and fixes a compatibility issue.
Goldenflame Dragon has recorded the soundtrack of the C128 version of Ultima 3, and made it available for your listening (and downloading) pleasure.
Witness the awesome: There’s really not much to say, apart from that this is all kinds of cool. It’s kind of mind-boggling to think that this is where Ultima — where gaming, really —...
I’m cribbing this idea directly from the Wing Commander CIC, by the way. The Ultima games have seen a tremendous evolution in their graphical styles and in-game artistry. Part of this is due to...
Xenerkes Dragon’s editor for savegame files from the first few Ultima titles is once again available for download.
Can any of the Ultimas be completed without resorting to combat?
Spoony has continued his hilarious, if profane, reviews of the different games of the Ultima series, and has added reviews for Ultima 2 and Ultima 3 to his site. Check thou them out! (hat...