Rather Infrequent Open Thread
The no longer anywhere near nightly open discussion thread at Ultima Aiera.
The no longer anywhere near nightly open discussion thread at Ultima Aiera.
The no longer anywhere near nightly open discussion thread at Ultima Aiera.
Thepal has posted what he describes as a “pretty” (and, to be fair, it is) screenshot of a scene in his Oblivion-based remake of Serpent Isle.
The no longer anywhere even remotely approaching nightly open thread at Ultima Aiera.
Big Huge Games/38 Studios’ upcoming RPG title — Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning — won a lot of accolades at E3 this year, and looks really promising. And did I mention that its lead designer is none other than Tiberius Moongazer, former head of Team Lazarus?
Thepal has made great progress on his remake of Serpent Isle, and has posted several new screenshots of Moonshade in demonstration of this.
Bethesda Softworks released a fourteen-minute video of gameplay footage from Skyrim, their upcoming (and gorgeous-looking) fantasy RPG. It. Looks. Bloody. Amazing.
Thepal continues his work on his Oblivion-based remake of Serpent Isle. He has finished with Fawn for now, and has begun work on Moonshade, the first screenshot from which is of the automaton barmaid Petra.
The Titans of Ether have posted their March & April update to their website, with much banging and fanfare.
Thepal has posted some new screenshots from his Serpent Isle remake, showcasing new scenery and NPCs from Fawn.
A new screenshot from Thepal’s Oblivion-based remake of Serpent Isle shows what Fawn looks like in the dwindling evening glow.