Tagged: Star Wars

BioWare Mondays

Star Wars: The Old Republic The upcoming Galactic Starfighter expansion for BioWare’s Star Wars MMORPG continues to look awesome, if not quite as enticing as…say…Star Citizen. The third-person flight mechanics seem a bit too...

BioWare Mondays

In which we look briefly at The Old Republic, look back upon Mass Effect, and mourn Victory Games.

BioWare Mondays

The weekly round-up of BioWare-related news moves to its new home this week.

BioWare Tuesdays

So I let this entry slide for more than a week, owing to a work trip. As a result, and because I’m also pressed for time post-Canadian Thanksgiving, the bulleted list format makes a return.

BioWare Tuesdays

So…the site layout got messed up last night, and I spent all my time working on that instead of on composing and posting this update.

BioWare Mondays

The weekly round-up of news about BioWare, their various sub-studios, and the various RPG titles and series that they have produced or are working on.

BioWare Tuesdays

I felt really under the weather yesterday, and feel that way again today. So the list of links is back for another week. Shoot me…no, really, please do.

BioWare Mondays

The weekly round-up of news about BioWare, their various sub-studios, and the various RPG titles and series that they have produced or are working on.

BioWare Mondays

The weekly round-up of news about BioWare, their various sub-studios, and the various RPG titles and series that they have produced or are working on.