BioWare Mondays

You know what’s a really cool thing? Section headers. All the cool websites are using them. And even some of the not-so-cool websites. So it’s basically just stupid that this website, in all its awesome glory, hasn’t yet discovered the concept.

I really have to make the effort to beat the guy who runs this place about the head and neck with a large stick at some point.

Dragon Age

BeefJack got a look at Heroes of Dragon Age, the upcoming mobile free-to-play game that will draw upon the Dragon Age universe for its character set. Although initially billed as a multiplayer battle arena, it will evidently also feature some RPG elements, and will weave a new story set in the Dragon Age universe.

But let’s talk about Dragon Age: Inquisiton, because…well…that game actually looks interesting.

BioWare have been talking up the exploration and choice-driven stories that the game will offer, as well as its more hardcore approach to things like player (and party) health. It does sound, more and more, like BioWare are trying to take several large steps back toward the roots of the RPG genre, rather than simply serve modern action-oriented conventions. That said, it’ll also feature the usual social commentary and romantic subplots that one would expect from a modern BioWare game.

And of course there have been more previews of Inquisition published in recent days. A number of interviews with various members of the development team have also been published: see here, here, and here.

Oh, and this interview with Dragon Age Legends’ Ethan Levy is kind of interesting, as well, for its discussion of what works (and doesn’t) in freemium models.

Star Wars: The Old Republic

It was recently announced that subscribers to BioWare’s Star Wars MMORPG will receive the Rise of the Hutt Cartel expansion for free. There’s also an amusing new live-action ad out for the game, which ties into the Dread War content in update 2.4. Apparently, PvP has been significantly expanded with said update.

Mass Effect

Although we aren’t likely to see any real content from the new Mass Effect game being worked on in Montreal any time soon, various BioWare staff have been talking up the game on Twitter recently.

BioWare in General

Matthew Bromberg was recently appointed as the new overall GM of the BioWare label. Based out of Austin, he will remain there and delegate a lot of the day-to-day management operations to local managers at each BioWare studio.

Here’s what’s interesting, though: Mythic may be out from under the BioWare label, but Victory Games is not:

Bromberg — who joined EA in 2012, previously CEO and president of Major League Gaming — will remain head of BioWare Austin, while Jeff Hickman will become the new general manager of the studio. With his new role, Bromberg will take on BioWare Canada in Edmonton and Montreal, headed by Aaryn Flynn. He will also oversee the LA-based Victory studio and Redwood City-located Waystone Studio, both Californian studios fronted by Jon Van Caneghem. All studio heads will report to Bromberg.

Waystone, by the way, are the ones making Dawngate. So it would appear that Jon Van Caneghem hasn’t completely stepped away from his fantasy-genre roots.

Oh, and Ray Muzyka will evidently be delivering the keynote at MIGS — the Montreal International Games Summit — in November.