Tagged: space

Paging Doctor British!

Paging Doctor British!

Richard Garriott has been awarded an honorary Doctorate of Science by Queen Mary, University of London, for his contributions to the field of science, mathematics, and space exploration.

Rather Infrequent Open Thread

Rather Infrequent Open Thread

The no longer anywhere even remotely approaching nightly open thread at Ultima Aiera. I’m posting it early today because I’m crazy-busy with stuff to do in real life. Plus, the site’s getting a MySQL update tomorrow, so I don’t want to add much in the way of new content until that is finished.

Richard Garriott: A New Space Era Begins

Richard Garriott: A New Space Era Begins

Richard Garriott has penned an opinion piece for The Statesman (an Austin and area newspaper) discussing the future of space travel in the post-Space Shuttle era.

Talk Amongst Yourselves

Talk Amongst Yourselves

I need to take a day or two off from the site, as I’m feeling rather burnt out with all this big news that’s been breaking.