Richard Garriott Flying Around in Zero-G
Because who doesn’t want to watch Lord British bounce around weightlessly in a Russian “Sokol” spacesuit?
Because who doesn’t want to watch Lord British bounce around weightlessly in a Russian “Sokol” spacesuit?
Richard Garriott and his father Owen have penned an editorial arguing that the US needs to regain the ability to send manned missions into space on its own.
Richard Garriott attented the recent “Blast Off: The Future of Spaceflight” event put on by the Explorers Club.
A handful of articles about — or which mention — Richard Garriott, and either Shroud of the Avatar or his ongoing support of space exploration.
News stories and videos about (and, in at least one case, by) Richard Garriott. I’ve had some of these bookmarked for a while now.
In which we look at the news related to Richard Garriott, Portalarium, and Shroud of the Avatar that came out in the last year.
The Space Adventurer interviews Richard Garriott about (what else?) his trip to space!
Richard Garriott’s SXSW talk, “The New Golden Age of Human Spaceflight”, has been posted on YouTube and summarized on the SXSW website.
Richard Garriott and former NFL player Ken Harvey are featured in this video released by the Challenger Center for Space Science Education.
If you’re curious about Jim Clash’s recent Explorer’s Club interview with Richard and Owen Garriott about their travels in space, he has published the transcript at AskMen.
At the recent Explorers Club dinner featuring Richard and Owen Garriott, the discussion turned (as one might expect) to the issue of how to go to the bathroom in space. (Image credit: alertfive @ Flickr)