Spam Spam Spam Humbug 156 – Should We Release This Episode as an #NFT? Brand New Venture!
Or we could just watch and laugh at how many bots reply to the episode title on Twitter.
Or we could just watch and laugh at how many bots reply to the episode title on Twitter.
Spam Spam Spam Humbug will be, for the next several weeks, doing a complete read-through of Andrea Contato’s “Through the Moongate”.
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Portalarium has struck a deal with Black Sun Game Publishing to distribute Shroud of the Avatar in Russia, and other countries.
Because who doesn’t want to watch Lord British bounce around weightlessly in a Russian “Sokol” spacesuit?
Richard Garriott and his father Owen have penned an editorial arguing that the US needs to regain the ability to send manned missions into space on its own.
Sevaton Dragon created a Russian translation patch for Ultima Underworld, which is now available for download here.
If you’re curious about Jim Clash’s recent Explorer’s Club interview with Richard and Owen Garriott about their travels in space, he has published the transcript at AskMen.
At the recent Explorers Club dinner featuring Richard and Owen Garriott, the discussion turned (as one might expect) to the issue of how to go to the bathroom in space. (Image credit: alertfive @ Flickr)
Richard Garriott is auctioning off some of the items he has collected over the years, including a historic model rocket from Russia.