Tagged: Richard Garriott

Richard Garriott’s "Man on a Mission" Launches!

Richard Garriott’s "Man on a Mission" Launches!

The Richard Garriott-focused documentary Man on a Mission has been released, and naturally the online media has been exploding with stories about it and its subject, Lord British himself.

Portalarium's Ultimate RPG Has A Logo

Portalarium's Ultimate RPG Has A Logo

The Portalarium website was updated a while ago, with a slightly refined look and a new section concerning Richard Garriott’s “Ultimate RPG”. There’s not much there, but the logo will be at once familiar and new to Ultima fans.

EA Denies Talking With Richard Garriott

EA Denies Talking With Richard Garriott

EA’s communications chief, Jeff Brown, has spoken out at IndustryGamers and stated that there have been no talks between EA and Richard Garriott…about Ultima Online, at least.

Richard Garriott: What Went Wrong With Ultima 8

Richard Garriott: What Went Wrong With Ultima 8

Richard Garriott, in yet another interview with Eurogamer, discusses some of the issues surrounding what he regards as the failure of Ultima 8. Oh, and something about Tabula Rasa.