Tagged: OS X

xu4 Quietly Updated

xu4 Quietly Updated

I previously made mention that the xu4 developers had released a new snapshot they were terming “beta4”. Since that time, as Petrell has brought to my attention, they have also quietly pushed an actual...

Why have I not heard of Worldforge before now?

Why have I not heard of Worldforge before now?

Worldforge, which first emerged onto the scene back in 1997, bills itself as “the original open-source MMORPG project.” And that’s certainly a fair descriptor of what it is. It isn’t, strictly speaking, an MMO...

Exult Updated

Exult Updated

After almost two years of no news (and infrequent snapshot updates), the Exult team have announced the release of Exult 1.4.9 RC1 for Windows and Mac, their latest build and the precursor to Exult...

Pentagram updated!

Pentagram updated!

Well, it’s been a good couple of years since their penultimate news post, but on October 15th the Pentagram team dropped in a quick update to let us know that, since their need for...

Pentagram Updated

Pentagram Updated

Pentagram, the remake that does for Ultima 8 what Exult did for Ultima 7, has posted news of their development progress for the first time since last December. The team, it seems, has been...